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As an ongoing commitment to serve the neighborhood, we have created multiple committees covering different aspects pertaining to our neighborhood. There’s a whole lot happening in our community, and we’re happy to have you be a part of it. View our committee descriptions and get all the information you need about them. You can choose to sign up for any of them by using the sign-up form at the bottom of this page.


Woman Looking Out the Window

Community Events

TONA liaisons - Marian Heinkel and Mary Bitter

Lead member - Terri Guest


The purpose of this committee is to bring the Thousand Oaks neighbors together for some social events; to get to know each other and to enjoy our beautiful Thousand Oaks Park


The Community Events committee will plan and execute several fun and social events each year.  We will collect donations at the events so that the events can sustain themselves.  We will meet in the early months of the year to plan a calendar of events and then meet as needed to plan individual events throughout the year.  We will also have a sub committee that will serve a a "Welcome Wagon" for all new residents.  We will greet each new family with a packet of information that we will put together and possibly with a plate of cookies as well.

Park Preservation

TONA Liaison - Marsey Kahn


The goal of this committee is the permanent protection and preservation of the oak woodland that comprises both parcels of Thousand Oaks Park.  Four hundred years ago, the oldest oaks in our park were just seedlings.  As the character of Santa Clara Valley evolved from oak savannah to farms, orchards and, ultimately residential neighborhoods, many oaks were lost.  Oak woodlands are now considered an endangered natural resource.


In 2017 we partnered with the San Jose Parks Foundation to create the Thousand Oaks Park Conservancy Project. Through this project we were able to construct the Thousand Oaks Park Woodland Area as a first step in reviving the oaks and natural vegetation on the previously neglected site. Since then, Thousand Oaks Park and the Woodland Area have been recognized as one of the last remaining oak woodlands on the valley floor and designated a Heritage Grove, the first such designation in San Jose. Through our work with Parks, Recreation & Neighbors Services, we have obtained a Tree Management Plan that guides us in protecting and preserving the entire park property for the future.


For more information, please contact Marsey Kahn at Donations to the Thousand Oaks Park Conservancy Project may be made through the San Jose Parks Foundation at


You can see the 1985 Thousand Oaks Park Master Plan Report here.


NOW AVAILABLE See the City of San Jose Thousand Oaks Park Tree Management Plan. Click Here

Woman Looking Out the Window

4th of July Parade

TONA liaison - Marsey Kahn

Lead Member - Marsey Kahn


​Our annual 4th of July parade, a Thousand Oaks tradition, is the most beloved and anticipated event of the year.  What began as a small contingent of decorated bicycles in 1990 has grown into a spectacular celebration, complete with fire and police escorts, classic cars, and conveyances of every description decorated in red, white, and blue.  Prizes are awarded for creativity of floats, themed groups, costumes, etc., as well as to the apple pie baking contest winners. Local vendors are on hand with refreshments. 


The event is supported solely by donations from the neighborhood. For more information contact Marsey Kahn at



Woman Looking Out the Window

Safety Committee

TONA liaison - Jerry Strangis & Sean Pierce


This committee works closely with the San Jose Police Department to ensure that any concerns or issues in the neighborhood are handled in a timely manner. 

Woman Looking Out the Window
Woman Looking Out the Window

Urban Development

TONA liaison - Sam Ho


This committee would follow any proposed construction and housing/retail developments in the area and keep the neighborhood informed as to any impacts this urban growth would have on our neighborhood. The committee would also be in touch with the city officials related to urban development in order to get regular updates about any present or future work and discuss them with the board members whenever needed. They will also collect feedback from the board members or other neighborhood folks (via google groups or nextdoor) and relay the same to the city officials whenever required.

Committee Signup!

Please enter your email, name, and the name of the committee you wish to join. Once you click "Send", your request to join will be sent to the TONA board members.

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