Gradually, however, a change in the official position on the crisis began to take shape. López Obrador placed the public handling of the emergency in the hands of the undersecretary for Prevention and Health Promotion and epidemiology expert Whatsapp Mobile Number List Hugo López-Gatell and began promoting social distancing through the “National Day of Healthy Distance”, which has involved, among other measures, the suspension of public activities and face-to-face classes in schools. Without imposing a mandatory quarantine, the federal government initiated the adoption of an active policy of promoting voluntary confinement, exemplified by the slogan "Stay at home".
These measures were reinforced on March 31 with a declaration of a health emergency by the General Health Council, which meant the suspension of all non-essential activities in the public and private sectors until April 30, a period later Whatsapp Mobile Number List extended until May 30. Despite these measures, the Whatsapp Mobile Number List states (both governed by the opposition and by Morena, with Mexico City as the most emblematic example in this regard) have chosen to adopt unilateral measures, either complementary or contradictory to those of the Federation.
The federal government has implemented additional measures, such as the reconversion of hospital infrastructure, the call for a massive hiring program for medical and nursing personnel, the establishment of an agreement with private hospitals to serve users of health institutes during the contingency, and the purchase of medical Whatsapp Mobile Number List materials and equipment from China and the US . However, one of the main criticisms that has been leveled at the government's response is that it did not take advantage of the temporary advantage that Mexico had to prepare. Although the authorities have insisted that they had been preparing since January, the dates on which the measures were announced indicate that valuable time may have been wasted.