Ensure the subject line is catchy and will compel the reader to open the email. It is the subject line that will make or break your email. #4 email list Educate and Captivate Never hard sell in your email. Remember, your readers subscribed to receive email communication that has valuable content - not emails that are sales pitches. #5 Design your emails for mobile devices Mobile and Smartphone's are now indispensable for both personal and business users.
More and more people are using their mobile devices to read emails and browse the web. Ensure your email is correctly designed for mobile users. Benefits of Social Media and Email Marketing Social media has exploded in the last few years and more and more people are using sites such as Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. This explosion has transformed the way people communicate online and more importantly how companies market their products and services to their target audience.
3 ways to combine Social Media with Email Campaigns Social media can be integrated into your strategy in a number of ways. However, the method that you choose depends on what you want to achieve. For example if your goal is to syndicate your content online then you will want to target your campaigns to encourage readers to share your content on their social networks.