What is business analysis? Because we need to think about what value we can ultimately bring. If the value cannot be accurately measured, it is sometimes difficult to do this well. The second question, the problem is not clear, how to define the problem? As the level of the demand side gets bigger and bigger, the problems we accept will telephone number list become telephone number lis more and more unclear and more extensive. Under such circumstances and scenarios.
How can you improve your ability to define problems so that your analysis can be done in one step? , we need to think deeply. The third question is a big problem, where to start? Maybe the executives have identified the problem but his problem has telephone number lis become a company-to-company problem. So how are you going to telephone number list solve it? To solve telephone number lis the problem by splitting.

The fourth question, is it difficult to obtain external data? Even if a business analyst knows how to do an analysis, there are still some data problems. telephone number list After all, we usually telephone number lis study emerging industry opportunities, and you can't find most telephone number lis real-world data. The question here is, how do you get external.